FoodHub runs because of the incredible volunteers who give their time to collect food, but we also have a team of individuals who steer the ship. Have a read below to find out about the management team's roles and what inspires us.

Meet the team:
Our Directors and Management Team

Director and Chair
I believe that equality of opportunity leads to healthier societies. Regrettably increasing numbers of people are finding themselves with less equality of opportunity through homelessness and food poverty. Whilst not the answer to the systemic problem Norwich FoodHub is part of the safety net saving surplus food and, with our partners, helping get this to the people who need it most. My role includes administration, general ‘handyman’ and chair of the Board. I am retired and have two adult children. My hobbies include music making and boating.

I'm Josh. I'm an entrepreneur trying to completely alter the way we build houses. As an environmental science graduate I was very aware and concerned with the level of waste all along the food supply chain. I wanted to do all I could to help get that food into the hands of people who really need it. A community interest company set up and run by volunteers seemed the best way to do that.

Director and Finance Officer
I am one of the Directors at Norwich FoodHub, involved with the food collections, new partnerships, and fund raising. Since graduating from a Masters at UEA, I now work for a local energy company. I am really interested in how things become waste, especially food and e-waste and so got involved with FoodHub to help tackle food waste and poverty in Norwich. Saving the vast quantities of wasted food in the UK isn't a solution to food poverty on its own. However, working with FoodHub offers an exciting opportunity to tackle these linked issues simultaneously.

Roseanna Leach
Marketing and Communications Coordinator
I'm currently studying for my undergraduate degree in International Development. I believe that both people and the planet are precious, so it's a privilege to work with FoodHub to get surplus food to people who need it. I head up FoodHub's marketing running our social media, website and producing promotional material.

Project Manager
I have a PhD in Ecology and have a strong passion in environmental issues. I am eager to try to help fight the massive problem of food waste in this country. I started as a volunteer collector with Norwich Foodhub in 2016 and joined the Management Team around a year later. I’m generally responsible for the day to day running of Foodhub and work a lot with our volunteers and partners to help things run smoothly.

Founder and Finance Director
I co-founded Norwich FoodHub in 2016 in an attempt to curb the vast amount of food that was being wasted in the supply chain, starting at retail level, and to ensure that food was redistributed to those most vulnerable in our society who’s opportunities are increasingly limited by food poverty.
Away from FoodHub I’m an ACCA qualified accountant specialising in business technology, and a Norwich City season ticket holder.
I can be contacted via - use FAO Rowan in the subject.

Director and Hub Manager