Sometimes life is a little busy, and we neglect the bananas sitting in our fruit bowl. Black, squishy ones aren't that nice to eat, but we all know they make a beautiful banana bread and save them from going to waste. So here's our take on the classic, scrumptious cake.
What you'll need:
(makes a small-medium sized loaf)

2 Bananas
180g Self-raising flour
60g Brown sugar
90ml Oil (vegetable, sunflower, or coconut)
3/4 tsp Baking powder
Zest of 1 lemon
90g of 'extras' (dark chocolate chunks, raisins, nuts etc)

Once you've set your oven to 180 C or 160 C for a fan oven, start by mashing your bananas with a fork (browner the better - they have more flavour); this should be very easy, as brown bananas squish like butter. In a separate bowl add in the flour, sugar, baking powder, cinnamon, and lemon zest and give them a stir. Side note: I used slightly less sugar than required, skipped adding cinnamon and used up some cinnamon sugar I had made for another recipe to save it from going to waste!
Next, add your 'wet' ingredients: mashed bananas and oil. Finally, stir in your extras - I like these to be chunky. Pour the batter into a lined loaf tin and bake for 40 minutes or until a skewer comes out clean.
Serving suggestions? Enjoy with a cup of coffee for your breakfast, spread with peanut butter for a yummy snack, or even melt some chocolate on top for more of a decadent after-dinner pud.
If you have any recipes that help save food waste that you'd like us to feature, do get in contact with us - we'd love to share your ideas!